Excellent work and presentation, Ahmad! I am very happy and proud of you.
For those who could not attend the defense, here is the full recording:
Author Archives: Ioannis Stefanou
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PhD defense of A.Morsel, 4Apr24 @ 2pm (CET) on: “Experimental testing of masonry structures subjected to extreme loads”
I am pleased to announce the public defense of Mr A.Morsel.
Abstract & Committee: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/v2or3bio2lge0nwoh0qtp/h?rlkey=3m9v51fwjayhd6x5dw2qrnwfa&dl=0
Zoom link: https://ec-nantes.zoom.us/j/96257564882 Passcode: Blast_AM1

Recreating the 1687 Parthenon Explosion in the Lab!
After nearly four years of careful preparation, we’ve successfully conducted the first-ever laboratory experiment to reproduce the explosive event at the Parthenon in 1687!
More details and results will be given during Ahmad Morsel’s upcoming PhD defense in April! 🔬🏛️